Small Project Funding
Laos – Support a student
Poor and vulnerable young people often face the problem that they cannot afford vocational training or drop out shortly before the end because they cannot afford the costs for the essential practical study semester. Although the agricultural sector (including livestock, food processing and forestry) consists of a low-productivity workforce, it still dominates the Lao labor market with a current agricultural labor force of over 60%. This means that the sector remains an important field of training and employment for young people. The importance of the sector has changed once again in light of the COVID pandemic.
The Northern Agriculture and Forestry College (NAFC) is the leading educational institution contributing to poverty alleviation, food security and income generation in the eight northern provinces of Laos. Recognized by public and private partners as a center of excellence in sustainable upland farming systems, NAFC provides skills-based and market-driven education, training and services to guide youths into employed or self-employed farming.
Vulnerable students are supported with a grant to cover the basic costs of the practical semester and the preparation of the thesis. This includes (on average) basic learning materials and books (40€), material for practical application (80€), meals, accommodation and/or travel at/to the internship site (80€) as well as preparation, printing and presentation of the thesis (50€) – a total of approximately 250€.
Students are selected on the basis of their motivation and professional competence – taking into account the socio-economic situation. Special consideration is given to women and members of the college’s Green Environment Conservation Team.
You are welcome to support parts or the full amount.
Information under
NAFC webpage and
I want to support this project
Code: Laos Student

Bank Account
IBAN: DE73 8306 5408 0004 1172 55