BanSenSuk, the Laotian village of a hundred thousand-fold happiness, is the model of our commitment to a diverse and multifarious world for all people and communities. We understand our ever more closely growing earth as the development towards a global village, where dependencies and relatios become more profound and exchange and inclusion increase.

The world as a village, created from different cultures and lifestyles, but also from desires, visions and possibilities. However, it is obvious that the latter are unequally distributed in our world. It is our quest to open up possibilities to those who lack them and to support them in implementing their ideas of a self-determined life. That is why we support sustainable, ecological and social approaches and life plans.


The idea for BanSenSuk was developed by former colleagues from the field of development cooperation who reunited after many years. It is our goal to support participation in community life for all. Therefore, BanSenSuk focuses on the promotion of vocational and academic education. This forms the foundation for generating income and participating in economic, technical, social and cultural developments. Through global exchange, innovative solutions are promoted that are also addressed by the United Nations Sustainability Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 4 (ensuring inclusive, equitable and quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all) and SDG 8 (promoting sustainable, inclusive and lasting economic growth, productive full employment and decent work for all). With a regional focus on the poor countries of the Global South and the inclusion of socially disadvantaged groups, we contribute in particular to SDG 1 (Ending poverty in all its forms and everywhere).

All those who share this vision of the world as a village of a hundredthousand-fold happiness are invited to support us.

Our services include studies, evaluations, workshops and counselling. They also represent an important prerequisite for attracting third party funding at state and federal level as well as from the European Union. Membership fees as well as donations and crowdfunding for small projects are also essential financial components to support our work.


BanSenSuk e.V. was founded on 25 August 2018 by former development workers and their friends. The headquarter of the association is in Bremen. Regional representations exist in Freiburg im Breisgau, Kassel and Potsdam. The association is registered at the local court Bremen under the number VR 8165 HB and recognized as a non-profit organization.


The main purpose of the association is the promotion of young people from developing countries in vocational education and training. This purpose and the goals derived from it are realised through educational and qualification measures, information and counselling offers, youth work and educational projects, and are anchored in our statutes.

BanSenSuk works on 3 levels:

  • Small projects, e.g. support of business start-ups & local initiatives, training and further education of individuals and groups


  • Workshops and trainings, e.g. Design Thinking or business model development
  • Cooperation and networks, e.g. support of existing activities of our partner organisations (capacity building, training of trainers (ToT), studies and evaluations)


Andrea Schroeter

1. Chairwoman (Bremen) vorstand@bansensuk.de

Birga Vogel

2. Chairwoman (Helpsen/Schaumburg) vorstand@bansensuk.de

Friedrich Zipf

Treasurer (Freiburg im Breisgau) vorstand@bansensuk.de